
The Basics of Dominoes


Dominoes are small rectangular blocks used for a variety of games. They are also called playing cards or tickets. Some are blank and some are marked with numbers. When playing a game, the objective is to block an opponent’s hand, allowing you to draw your own.

Although their origin is somewhat unclear, the name domino was first recorded in the French Dictionnaire de Trevoux in 1771. The word is derived from the term for a long, hooded cloak worn by priests. In Chinese, the word dominoes means “dotted cards.”

There are several types of dominoes. The European and Asian styles are similar, but they differ in their construction. Traditional European style dominoes are made of dark hardwood such as ebony or ivory. Many are also made of mother of pearl oyster shell or silver lip ocean pearl. Other material include plastic and bone.

A typical domino set is a double-six set with 28 tiles, which is popular for playing with two players. Another set is a double-12 with 91 tiles. If you want to play with more than two players, you can get a larger set. It would be too large for most domino games, though.

Most domino games involve laying out the pieces and then trying to score. You’ll draw seven tiles from a stock and then try to lay them out in an even pattern. The idea is to see if you can build a line of three or more tiles, which will be worth more than one.

Several games involving dominoes have been played in Southeast Asia, including the traditional game Che Deng and the modern game Tien Gow. However, the spread of communism in Southeast Asia has been largely unsuccessful. During the Vietnam War, the United States and South Vietnam both supported non-communist dictators, which prevented the spread of communism.

Another game that is popular is the domino game Hector’s Rules, which is particularly popular in Singapore. In this version, an extra tile is added to your hand if you manage to double-tile your opponent’s hand.

In addition to traditional games, there are many variations of the game, such as solitaire, where you aim to make the longest possible line without tumbling over. You can also use the dominoes as toys. One common method is to stack them on end in a row.

Another variant is to play with a set of doubles, which are spinners. Typically, the goal is to get to a certain number of pips, or weight, by adding up the numbers of tiles in your opponents’ hands. As you get closer to the total, identifying the pips becomes harder.

Lastly, a game of dominoes is also called a trick-taking game. This is where you try to make two sets of tiles by making five or more combinations. Doing so requires that all of the tiles on your hand be of a particular suit, with all of the faces on the tiles being the same.